Bactrian camel


Remembering ‘Ollie’

July 25, 2023 | 2 minute read

It is with heavy hearts that we share that on July 24, 2023 we said goodbye to a visitor favourite in Exploration Asia – our 11-year-old male Bactrian camel ‘Ollie’.

For the past several years, Ollie had been receiving supportive care from our Animal Care, Health & Welfare (ACHW) team for health issues related to his dysfunctional immune system. While this disease couldn’t be cured, with dedicated treatments his ongoing well-being was exceptionally supported for many years. Over the past month, Ollie lost a significant amount of weight and developed serious infections in his legs which made it difficult to walk. Due to his chronic health issues and declining well-being, the compassionate decision was made to euthanize him.

Born at the Toronto Zoo in 2012, Ollie joined us in 2016. Throughout his lifetime, Ollie and his habitat mate ‘Zsa Zsa’ helped educate visitors about the plight of their species which originate from Mongolia and Central Asia. With Zsa Zsa now on her own, our ACHW team will search for a new habitat mate for companionship in the near future.

The median life expectancy for Bactrian camels in human care is 17 years. While Ollie was considered middle-aged for his species, the exemplary quality of life that was maintained as he navigated his health journey is a testament to the exceptional care he received throughout his lifetime. He served as an ambassador and an example that all of the animals we love and care for are unique and that it is our responsibility and honour to walk with them as they navigate their individual journeys – no matter how long that may be. He will be greatly missed. Please keep the ACHW team in your thoughts during this difficult time.

Bactrian camel

Bactrian camel ‘Ollie’