Southern Bald Ibis
A striking red cap
This species of bald ibis is easily recognizable for its bare head and red cap. When ibis hatch, their heads are covered in gray-hair-like feathers. Around the age of two when an ibis reaches sexual maturity, these feathers are shed to reveal the distinctive bare head, which plays a role in attracting a mate.
- IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (at high risk of extinction in the wild)
- Type: Bird
- Habitat: Grasslands and mountainous regions in the southern part of South Africa
- Diet: Carnivore – insects, invertebrates, and frogs
- Size: 78 centimetres long
- Weight: 1 to 1.3 kilograms

facts about our animals
Fun Facts about Southern Bald Ibis
Southern bald ibis are monogamous.
As juveniles, their plumage is a gray colour.
Caterpillars make up most of their diet.
They make their nests on flat ground, on cliffs, or in trees.
As adults, they have copper feathers on their shoulders.
Their eyes are orange-red in colour.

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